The Fixit Man A Tale of True Love Revenge edition by Remington Kane Romance eBooks

John Faron is a natural-born tinkerer who can apparently fix anything.
But when he's forced by the actions of a madman to make an unthinkable choice,
he soon finds that the one thing he can't mend, is his own broken heart.
THE FIX-IT MAN - A Tale of True Love & Revenge
The Fixit Man A Tale of True Love Revenge edition by Remington Kane Romance eBooks
I purchased this book in May 2012 and just got around to reading it. (It has been re-released with a new cover since then so maybe they fixed my problem with the story in the re-release.)I will say I did make it through the book. But about 2/3 of the way into the story an unexpected fact came to light after one of the characters died. This fact had never been mentioned before the book and it kind of through me out of the story. I kept going back trying to figure out when this fact came to light. (Sorry for being so vague but I don't want to give any spoilers for those of you who choose to read this.) The story in my opinion went down hill about half way through the book. But I did make it to the end so I guess that is saying something.
There were some punctuation errors that were distracting but not too distracting. I think the book needs a bit more editing. (And some proofreader to catch that factual error unless the author was trying to throw it in as a "surprise" revelation that made no sense.) Anyway, I did enjoy the book overall but it didn't make me want to read anything else by Donald Wells.
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Tags : The Fix-it Man: A Tale of True Love & Revenge - Kindle edition by Remington Kane. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Remington Kane,The Fix-it Man: A Tale of True Love & Revenge,Year Zero Publishing,Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Thrillers General
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The Fixit Man A Tale of True Love Revenge edition by Remington Kane Romance eBooks Reviews
I couldn't put this book down! It has been the best book I have read in a while. Felicia and Johnny's love! So hoping that this could be a movie!
This was a really fun book to read!!!!! I didn't expect it to be very good and thought I would start it to see how I liked it. I don't always agree with some of the choices the main chararcter makes, but over all a great read. I already purchased another book by this author.
The Fix-it-Man tells the story of sixteen year old Johnny,who meets Felicia, a thirteen year old girl, when she brings him her broken heart to fix while he is working in his grandfather's fix-it-shop. That drew me right into Johnny's story. How could it not? Over time, Johnny falls in love with Felicia, with a love that is so deep that it will affect everything he does in his life.
Johnny has two dreams. One is to marry Felicia, and the other is to develope an engine that gets 100 miles to the gallon of gas. We follow Johnny's life to find out if either, or both, come true. This isn't the easiest story I have ever read and I don't pretend to understand some of the decisions Johnny makes in his life, but I like Johnny. He is a good but flawed man just trying to keep his dreams alive.
The author has done a very good job of telling Johnny's story. I kept trying to put my down to do chores, but found myself running back to read a little more. I will reread this book again because I rushed through it the first time trying to find out what happens to Johnny, and if his dreams come true. I think that this is the hallmark of an author who can tell a good story. Some books I can savor while reading. This one wasn't one of those. This book had me so invested in wanting Johnny's dreams to come true that I couldn't savor it. I had to hurry to find out what happened on the next page, in the next chapter.
The author gifted me this book, but I would have been happy to buy it. It is a wonderful story of a young man who grows up just trying to make the best decisions he can while following his dreams. Johnny truly tries to be "the fix-it-man" and I think he succeeds. I really enjoyed this book. It is a keeper and one I will be rereading and recommending.
Interesting story, considering I would not have made the choices Johnny made, Sometimes I was so mad at him I had to put the book down for a couple of days before I could continue to read; at first it seemed like he really loved Felicia, later it seemed she was a bad habit he didn't know he had and I thought he needed to dump her. A recommendation would depend on what I know about you, for some of my friends this would be a 5 + star book; for others -like me- it's only a 3 star.
Unexpected and at times frustrating, but I enjoyed it. There were some twists and turns, and sometimes I just wanted to shake the heck out of the main character, but I enjoyed the book without wanting to smack the guy too much. Not my favorite of Kane's, but not my least favorite either.
I got this book in 2012 and just got around to reading it. It now has a new cover which I loathed the minute I saw it. It makes the book look like some beefcake romance novel.
While there is love and romance there is huge stupidity as well. I can't believe the main character continually makes one truly colossal blunder after another. It's just to much to take. I am 2/3 done now and will finish it just out of stubbornness. It started out good. I probably should stop, but I wont.
Read at your peril, be prepared to be disgusted, at the decisions and actions of the hero.
What a page turner! I absolutely couldn't put this book down. I'm a huge fan of Remington Kane, and this may very well be my new favorite book by him. One of the things I love most about Kane's writing is his character development, which did no disappoint. There were so many plot twists and turns with the characters that often times I wasn't sure who I was "rooting for". I highly recommend this book!
I purchased this book in May 2012 and just got around to reading it. (It has been re-released with a new cover since then so maybe they fixed my problem with the story in the re-release.)
I will say I did make it through the book. But about 2/3 of the way into the story an unexpected fact came to light after one of the characters died. This fact had never been mentioned before the book and it kind of through me out of the story. I kept going back trying to figure out when this fact came to light. (Sorry for being so vague but I don't want to give any spoilers for those of you who choose to read this.) The story in my opinion went down hill about half way through the book. But I did make it to the end so I guess that is saying something.
There were some punctuation errors that were distracting but not too distracting. I think the book needs a bit more editing. (And some proofreader to catch that factual error unless the author was trying to throw it in as a "surprise" revelation that made no sense.) Anyway, I did enjoy the book overall but it didn't make me want to read anything else by Donald Wells.

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